2023澳洲幸运5官方开奖号码查询-澳洲五开奖结果体彩APP下载-澳洲幸运5在线开奖官网查询结果 NTT DATA is your Trusted Global Innovator


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NTT DATA – a part of NTT Group – is a trusted global innovator of IT and business services headquartered in Tokyo. We help clients transform through consulting, industry solutions, business process services, IT modernization and managed services. NTT DATA enables clients, as well as society, to move confidently into the digital future. We are committed to our clients' long-term success and combine global reach with local client attention to serve them in over 50 countries.

CEO Message

“NTT DATA is committed to our group vision of being a Trusted Global Innovator. This shows our dedication to our clients, both helping them leverage cutting-edge technologies to future-proof business models and developing innovative solutions to meet their needs. We will leverage our combined worldwide strengths to support our clients' missions and aim to solve social problems.

As a trusted, long-term partner, NTT DATA will continue to push forward, striving to be entrusted by all, utilizing information technology to realize a more affluent and harmonious society. By standing side by side with our clients, we will achieve this and provide high-quality services. I respectfully ask that you continue to give us our strong support throughout each of these endeavors.”

Yo Honma
Representative Director, President, and Chief Executive Officer

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