Environmental Policy

Environmental considerations in conducting business, and adherence to laws relating to the environment, are all part of our environmental policies, outlined here.

Environmental Policies of the NTT DATA Group

We believe that, given the increasingly serious nature of global environmental problems, we must address these as management issues and work to resolve the environmental challenges facing the world and society.
The NTT DATA Group, which applies information technology to create new paradigms, contributes to environmental protection by providing systems and solutions that can replace or alleviate the need for actual movement of people and goods. At the same time, by recognizing the major impact of business activities on the environment, we are promoting ongoing and planned approaches to environmental protection, so as to realize a society that is in better harmony with the earth even as it enjoys the abundance of modern life.

  1. Environmental considerations in conducting business
    The NTT DATA Group is working to lessen the environmental impact of our business activities, setting quantitative goals and targets to the extent possible, and reviewing these periodically as part of an on-going betterment program.

    1.We are promoting environmentally responsible system development.

    2.We are actively carrying out green purchasing.

    3.We are working to prevent pollution and limit resource use, by implementing policies for saving resources and energy, promoting reuse and recycling, and reducing waste.

  2. Meeting legal obligations
    In carrying out business activities, we observe all applicable environment-related laws and other agreements and obligations.
  3. Raising awareness
    Through environmental education and environmental and social contribution activities for our employees and partners, we are enhancing and boosting recognition of environmental awareness activities.
  4. Promoting communications
    We work proactively to promote environmental communications to stakeholders both within and outside the NTT DATA Group.

June 2018
NTT DATA Corporation
Yo Honma, President and CEO

  • *The final approval of this policy is made by the Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer. This Officer is a Chairperson of the Board.
    The Senior Executive Vice President and Representative Director chairs the Eco Activity Promotion Committee. He takes accountability for the effectiveness of the environmental management system and promotes continuous improvement to fulfill the leadership and commitment regarding the environmental management system.
    We built a cross-Group environmental management system spearheaded by the “Eco Activity Promotion Committee” and the “Eco Activity Liaison Committee”, which consist of environmental officers and advocates from each ISO 14001–certified division and Group company.
    Items of particular importance discussed by both committees are reported to the Board of Directors.
    The Eco Activity Liaison Committee meets several times a year to communicate with Group organizations and resolve issues through the PDCA cycle. Group companies that have not yet obtained ISO 14001 certification have also appointed environmental supervisors to strengthen our environmental management promotion system.
    You can find our management system from here.
  • *We provide environmental education for employees and partners to promote understanding of the importance for working on environmental issues and how we can contribute to solving them through our business activities. The content of education is regularly reviewed based on the external trends.
  • *This policy covers all business activities, investment due diligence, mergers and acquisitions of the NTT DATA Group. We will also encourage our suppliers, distributors, logistics, waste disposal companies, and business partners to support the policy through our supply chain.