Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Basic Policy

The NTT DATA Group has adopted the message“ we enhance our creativity by respecting diversity” as one of the three pillars of its Group Vision“, Trusted Global Innovator.” We are promoting diversity, equity and inclusion under “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement - Bloom the power of Diversity" and recognize them as one of our important management strategies for success against global competition. By encouraging active participation from our diverse human resources and reforming their work styles, we are working to create new corporate value.

Promotion System

To encourage diversity, equity and inclusion, we established the Diversity Promotion Office, under the direction of the Chief Personnel Affairs Officer, in 2008. Since fiscal 2012, we have concentrated on advancing women in the workplace and reducing annual work hours by changing work styles in a bid to create a work environment where each individual employee can thrive.
We regularly hold sessions regarding female participation in the workplace at the NTT DATA Global Conference, which gathers Group leaders from countries throughout the world.

Reforming Governance

To diversify the Board of Directors, NTT DATA has appointed foreign directors, outside directors and outside corporate auditors. In June 2019, one female director was approved. NTT DATA has also appointed female senior vice president to serve as secretary general of the Board of Directors to promote diversity in terms of internationality and gender. Diversity is also growing at the top management level and in other managerial decision-making stages, with the addition of female managers and foreign executives. In addition to these initiatives, Board members participate in surveys regarding the Board’s effectiveness and conduct self-assessments and analyses. Additionally, we have established an Advisory Board that gathers opinions and proposals related to management from experts outside of the Company.

[WEPs Principle 1] High-Level Corporate Leadership

[WEPs Principle 7] Measurement and Reporting

Activities of WEPs

In March 2019, we signed the WEPs(※) which globally leads the promotion of women’s careers and the development of business.

[WEPs Principle 1] High-Level Corporate Leadership

(※)WEPs(Women's Empowerment Principles)

The Women's Empowerment Principles are a collaboration of UN Women and UN Global Compact (UNGC). The principles help guide private-sector actions that promote gender equality. The seven specific principles outlines steps that businesses can take to empower women in the workplace, marketplace and community.

Women's Empowerment Principles
Women's Empowerment Principles(WEPs)

Activities of Supply chain management

We have established the following guidelines for procurement that take into consideration the needs of society, such as human rights, the environment, and the quality and safety of products and services.

[WEPs Principle 5] Enterprise development, supply chain and marketing practices